
Hanasooالملف الشخصي ل


الاسم الأول hana
البلد الأصلي BE بلجيكا
البلد الحالي BE بلجيكا
العمر 22
‏‏النوع أنثى
اللغة الأصلية EN English
FR French
NL Dutch
ممارسة اللغة KO Korean
DE German
JA Japanese


Instagram XXXXXXX


Hi there! I'm Hana, I live in Belgium but I''m Belgian-Korean. I'm really interested in Korean culture (I'm also a K-pop fan, but I want to know more about the culture than only K-pop) and it's my dream to live in Korea; so I'd love to be able to speak Korean. I first want to learn the language before I travel to Korea:)). I'm now at a beginner-level, but I hope to improve soon. I can help you with English (fluent speaker) and Dutch (native). I can speak French, but like 90% correct. My German isn't that good but it's okay-ish - I'd love to improve it.
My personality... uhm I love drawing, music and Asian food:) & I love to make new friends, so feel free to contact me!

رسالة جديدة

الاسم الأول hana
البلد الحالي BE بلجيكا
اللغة الأصلية EN English
FR French
NL Dutch
ممارسة اللغة KO Korean
DE German
JA Japanese
رسالة جديدة
Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!