
تبادل لغوي Esperanto

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  3. Esperanto


اللغة الأصلية :  English, Esperanto
ممارسة اللغة :  Spanish
Hello! I'm an American living in Barcelona. I'd like to improve my Castellano (currently A2/B1 level). In exchange, I can help you with English or Esperanto. I'm 23 and interested in literature, old/foreign movies, comic books, and traveling.
اللغة الأصلية :  English, Esperanto, French
ممارسة اللغة :  Basque, Spanish
Hello, my name is Etienne and I am French-American. I speak both English and French natively and Esperanto fluently. I love learning all kinds of languages but at the moment I want to meet more people from the Basque country as I just started to learn Basque. I can help you with English, French and/or Esperanto. :) Salut à tous; je m'appelle Etienne et je suis franco-américain. L'anglais et le français sont tous les deux mes langues maternelles et je parle aussi l'espéranto couramment. J'aime apprendre toutes sortes de langues mais en ce moment j'aimerais rencontrer plus de gens du Pays Basque car je viens de commencer à apprendre le basque. Je peux vous aider avec l'anglais, le français, et/ou l'espéranto. :) Guztioi egun on! Nere izena Etienne da, eta frantses-amerikarra naiz. Ingelesa eta frantsesa jatorrizko hizkuntzak dira, eta ere jariotasunez esperantoaz hitz egiten dut. Hizkuntza asko ikastea gustatzen zait, eta orain jende gehiago Euskal Herrikoak ezagutu nahiko nituzke, euskaraz ikasten hasi naizelako. Frantsesarekin, ingelesarekin edo/eta esperantoarekin laguntzeko gai naiz. :)
اللغة الأصلية :  English, Filipino (Other)
Hello everyone I'm Grace, nice meeting you all) I am looking for a language exchange partner in Korean, Japanese, Spanish and Turkish. In exchange I will be happy to be your English speaking partner. I'm also interested in learning Sign Language (Philippine Sign Language and ASL) So let's be friends and start learning!! Right now, I am very interested to learn Aramaic and Esperanto language, so pls message me if we have the same interest. Thanks! Arigato! Kamsahamnida! Gracias! Teşekkürler!
اللغة الأصلية :  Chinese (Mandarin), Chinese (Taiwanese)
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto, English
I like Cooking, traveling, finding news,,,
اللغة الأصلية :  Russian
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto, French, Japanese, English
Привет земляне). Мое имя Ольга. Для друзей Оля. Я хочу выучить указанные языки и объехать весь мир. Мое хобби велотуризм, история, музыка, фильмы. Могу научить вас русскому языку. Буду рада позитивному общению. Saluton teranoj). Mia nomo Estas Olga. Por la amikoj De Olja. Mi volas lerni ĉi tiujn lingvojn kaj vojaĝi tra la tuta mondo. Miaj ŝatokupoj estas biciklado, historio, muziko, filmoj. Mi povas instrui al vi la rusan. Mi ĝojos havi pozitivan konversacion.) Bonjour les terriens). Mon nom est Olga. Pour les amis Olya. Je veux apprendre ces langues et faire le tour du monde. Mon hobby est le cyclotourisme, l'histoire, la musique, les films. Je peux vous apprendre le russe. Je serais ravie d'avoir une communication positive. こんにちは地球人). 私の名前はオルガです。 オリヤの友達のために。 私はこれらの言語を学び、世界中を旅したいと思っています。 私の趣味はサイクリング、歴史、音楽、映画です。 私はあなたにロシア語を教えることができます。 私は肯定的な会話を持って喜んでいるでしょう。 Hello earthlings). My name is Olga. For Olya's friends. I want to learn these languages and travel all over the world. My hobbies are cycling, history, music, movies. I can teach you Russian. I will be glad to have a positive conversation.
اللغة الأصلية :  Esperanto
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto
Hello, My name is Yu. I'm 19 years old and I live in in China. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Esperanto. I'd be happy to help you to learn Esperanto in exchange.
اللغة الأصلية :  English, Russian
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto, Spanish
Hi! My name's Liza. I currently live Russia, but always wanted to visit other countries like USA or Mexico. I know English quite well and recently I started learning Spanish (Mexican Spanish I mean ((I still don't understand the differences between regular Spanish and Mexican Spanish))) and Esperanto! I would like to help you with learning English or Russian if you can help me with learning Spanish or Esperanto. <3
اللغة الأصلية :  Russian
ممارسة اللغة :  Greek, Esperanto, Spanish, French, English
Hello everyone! My name is Nikolay. I"m from Russia. I love studying foreign languages and communicate to other people.
اللغة الأصلية :  English, Yoruba
ممارسة اللغة :  Spanish, Esperanto, Korean
I'm Racheal, a lovely and kind citizen of Nigeria 🇳🇬 😀. I'm friendly and easy to communicate with. I Speak English 😊 ☺ and also Yoruba. I love to meet new friends, love to read, enjoy listening to music and relaxing 😌 😎. I would love to learn new languages especially Korea and Spanish and above all, i would like to meet friends 😍
اللغة الأصلية :  Spanish
Hello, everyone! My name is Michael and I am Peruvian guy who loves making friends from other countries and learning languages! I think learning a second language means wanting to see different perspectives of the world through this learning. We open doors to new cultures! To me, learning and practicing languages through friendship building is a wonderful blessing. I love connecting with people and broadening our horizons together! I am willing to help you practice. Smiles, perseverance, kindness, good energy are my main tools! I am waiting for you! =D
اللغة الأصلية :  Spanish
Hello, everyone! My name is Michael and I am Peruvian guy who loves making friends from other countries and learning languages! I think learning a second language means wanting to see different perspectives of the world through this learning. We open doors to new cultures! To me, learning and practicing languages through friendship building is a wonderful blessing. I love connecting with people and broadening our horizons together! I am willing to help you practice. Smiles, perseverance, kindness, good energy are my main tools! I am waiting for you! =D
اللغة الأصلية :  Spanish
ممارسة اللغة :  English, Japanese, Portuguese, Esperanto
-ESP/SPA- Hol a! Mucho Gusto. Mi nombre es Emanuel. Soy de Argentina. Estoy buscando personas comprometidas , para poder mejorar mi nivel de japonés. Formalmente, lo estoy estudiando hace menos de un año. En mi caso, hablo español (nativo) y hablo de manera fluida Ingles-estudi é de manera formal hace muchos años en un instituto, seguí practicándolo , y es mi intención conseguir en los meses siguientes, el certificado de competencia internacional C1- C1 Advanced (CAE)-, por lo que estoy buscando personas que me ayuden con portugués,japonés y los ayudare con español o inglés – acorde al interés o a la preferencia de cada uno-. Adema de seguir estudiando y practicando ingles. Ante cualquier consulta, me escribes Nos mantenemos en contacto. Nos escribimos y espero podamos coordinar algunos encuentros para practicar. Saludos! -ENG/ING- Hi ! Nice to meet you. My name is Emanuel. I´m from Argentina. I'm looking for committed people to practice Japanese. Formally, I have been studying it for less than a year. In my case, I speak Spanish (native) and I speak fluent English - I studied formally many years ago in an institute, I continue practicing it, and it is my intention to get in the following months, the international certificate of competence C1 - C1 Advanced (CAE) -, so I am looking for people to help me with portuguese, Japanese and I'll help them with Spanish or English - according to the interest or preference of each one-. In addition to continue studying and practicing English. If you have any questions, please write me We keep in touch. We write to each other and I hope we can coordinate some virtual meetings to practice. Best regards! See you soon!
اللغة الأصلية :  English
ممارسة اللغة :  Russian, Esperanto
Saluton! Mi nomiĝas Kayla kaj mi loĝas en la ŝtato de Pensilvanio en Usono. Mi tre ŝatus amikiĝi kun aliuloj ĉi tie kaj samtempe plibonigi mian Esperanton, tamen mi ankaŭ ŝatus simple paroli kun iu ajn kiu volonte rakontus pri sia lando/kulturo. Bonvolu ne heziti demandi ion ajn pri la angla, mi amus helpi laŭeble. Привет! Меня зовут Кайла, и я живу в штате Пенсильвания в США. Я хотела бы подружиться с другими людьми здесь и одновременно улучшить свои целевые языки, хотя я также была бы рада пообщаться со всеми, кто хочет немного поговорить о своей стране/культуре. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь спрашивать что-нибудь об английском языке, я с удовольствием буду помочь, насколько это возможно)) Hi! My name’s Kayla and I live in the state of Pennsylvania within the U.S. I would like to make friends with other people on here and simultaneously improve my target languages, though I would also be more than happy to chat with anyone willing to talk a bit about their country/culture. Please don’t hesitate to ask anything about English, I would love to help however possible.
اللغة الأصلية :  English
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto, French, Hebrew, Spanish
Hi, I'm Luke, a native English speaker from Australia. I am a musician and language tutor. I love learning new languages & meeting new people to understand more of the world. I can help with English, I speak quite a lot of Spanish too, if anyone wants help with that as well. I am interested in practicing French, Spanish &/or Hebrew, and can help others with their English practice. All the best, Let's talk!
اللغة الأصلية :  German
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto, Russian, Czech
My interests: Languages, history and much more. My native languages are Swiss German and German.
اللغة الأصلية :  Chinese (Mandarin)
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto
I honestly want to be one number of the guroub.I want to get knowledge of culture that is different from my country.And what I mostly want to learn is to improve my spoken English and pass my university exams.
اللغة الأصلية :  English, Esperanto, Spanish
ممارسة اللغة :  Greek, Chinese (Mandarin)
Easygoing, looking for peope seriously learning languages
اللغة الأصلية :  Spanish
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto, French, Russian, English
I'm from Costa Rica. I like learning languages and learning things from all around the world. Currently, I am focused on learning English and developing conversational skills. If you want to practice Spanish I can help you. I'm usually working from 5 am to 4:30 pm (Costa Rica Time (GMT-6) I'm very friendly, so feel free to contact me. Pura vida!
اللغة الأصلية :  Chinese (Mandarin)
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto
eng/cn ok. i quit my job and waiting for my passport to travel to iran. i want to learn some basic farsi
اللغة الأصلية :  Portuguese
ممارسة اللغة :  Esperanto, Japanese
Sou apenas um carinha que fala português brasileiro e quer entender outros idiomas, principalmente japonês. 日本語を話せたいです。 Gosto de ver animes, jogar videogame, tocar piano, escrever historinhas, comer doce. Também sou vtuber e programador sem dinheiro :)