안녕하세요 저는 허정윤입니다. 용인에서 살고있으며 모국어는 한국어이며 미국에서 2년 살고 해외업무를 10년간해서 영어회화가 능통합니다.
제가 배우고 싶은 언어는 중국어와 프랑스어 입니다. 중국어는 좀 많이 까먹은 상태이고 프랑스는 이제 시작했습니다.
많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
Hello. I am Yun. I currently live in Yongin, Korea. I am Korean, I can teach Korean. Also, I lived in America for two years and I worked as an English teacher recruiter for ten years. I can speak English well. So I would like to teach English and Korean. And I want to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and French. I studied Chinese before, but I forgot a lot. And French is literally beginner. I hope to find a good fit. I want to hear from you soon. Thank you for reading.
제가 배우고 싶은 언어는 중국어와 프랑스어 입니다. 중국어는 좀 많이 까먹은 상태이고 프랑스는 이제 시작했습니다.
많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
Hello. I am Yun. I currently live in Yongin, Korea. I am Korean, I can teach Korean. Also, I lived in America for two years and I worked as an English teacher recruiter for ten years. I can speak English well. So I would like to teach English and Korean. And I want to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and French. I studied Chinese before, but I forgot a lot. And French is literally beginner. I hope to find a good fit. I want to hear from you soon. Thank you for reading.
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