
Carmencsالملف الشخصي ل


الاسم الأول Carmen
مدينة كويمبرا
البلد الأصلي HU المجر
البلد الحالي PT البرتغال
العمر 33
‏‏النوع أنثى
اللغة الأصلية HU Hungarian
ممارسة اللغة PT Portuguese



Foreign languages I speak fluently: English (advanced), Spanish (intermediate), Danish (advanced)

IMPORTANT: I'm only using this platform to meet people in Portugal (where I recently moved to) and to practice Portuguese with them. Thank you for your understanding. <3

ABOUT: I'm half-Hungarian, half-Cuban and soon-to-be-Danish, currently working remotely at an NGO in the UK. I absolutely adore everything art-related (especially weirder pieces), I myself have performed as a dancer, aerial silks artist and performance artist. My background is in psychomotor therapy, the intersection of psychology, physio therapy and education.

I will be in Coimbra till about January/February and would love to pick up some Portuguese. Eu ja falo espanhol, entao entendo muito.:)

رسالة جديدة

الاسم الأول Carmen
مدينة كويمبرا
البلد الحالي PT البرتغال
اللغة الأصلية HU Hungarian
ممارسة اللغة PT Portuguese
رسالة جديدة
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