
تبادل لغوي كولونيا

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  3. 🇩🇪 كولونيا


اللغة الأصلية :  German, English
Hi, I am from Germany and i am looking for a teacher job in asia, nice to meet you. :-)
اللغة الأصلية :  German, English, Chinese (Mandarin)
ممارسة اللغة :  Japanese, Spanish
Hi, I'm Robert and I'm here to find interesting people to improve mainly my Spanish, I can read pretty well, but not speak nor understand spoken Spanish well at all... :-( My spoken Japanese definitely needs lots of improvement too. 私の日本語はとても下手です。 In turn I can offer fluent German (Guten Tag!) and English, my Chinese is pretty good too, so if you're a beginner I can definitely teach you at least the basics. Though also I don't say no to more Chinese, Cantonese speakers also very welcome (HK cinema fan right here). Lately I have focused a lot on Russian, I want to try to read Dostevsky soon (I know it's mission impossible...). I struggle especially with the pronounciation, which for me is way more difficult than Chinese (not kidding), so any help in that department is appreciated. :-) I love cycling, cooking, music and well, if you'd like to know more just drop me a line and we can get to know each other & while improving our language skills! :-) Talk to you soon! Robert / Roberto / ロバート / 罗伯特
اللغة الأصلية :  English, Persian, Kurdish
ممارسة اللغة :  German
I like, travelling, driving, meeting different people with different cultures.......
اللغة الأصلية :  German
ممارسة اللغة :  Spanish
Hola queridos hispanohablantes! Me llamo Tony, tengo 54 años y vivo en Colonia (Köln). Estoy en busca de un/a compañero/a de intercambio que my ayuda avanzar en mi aprendizaje de español. Me gusta charlar de distintos temas, como cultura, música, viajes y más. Dafür helfe ich Dir, Dein Deutsch zu verbessern. Mi propuesta sería encontrarse en persona en cualquier sitio bonito de Köln. Espero con mucha ilusión tu mensaje. Un saludo y hasta pronto, Tony
اللغة الأصلية :  English
ممارسة اللغة :  Korean
I'm a retired English teacher, but I still teach a class online. I'm originally from the US, but I married a German and have lived in Germany ever since. I speak fluent German as well, but it isn't perfect. My daughter-in-law is Korean, and their family language, also with my grandson, is Korean. I've been learning and practicing Korean for several years, but I'm still just a beginner! I enjoy watching Korean dramas, and get excited when I understand a word, a phrase, and sometimes, an entire sentence! But understanding Korean when my son and his family speak Korean is very difficult for me. I also enjoy cooking, writing, making music, and reading.
اللغة الأصلية :  Spanish
ممارسة اللغة :  English
Hi, I´am Ana, I come from Spain and live in Cologne. I would like to improve my English. I like musik, cycling and wandering. Best, Ana
اللغة الأصلية :  Arabic, English
ممارسة اللغة :  German
Ich heiße Abdelrahman,aus Ägypten. Ich lerne Deutsch Ich mag Deutschland,und ich will nach Deuschland fahren.
اللغة الأصلية :  German, Norwegian Bokmål
ممارسة اللغة :  Portuguese
Quieria de aprender a falar português. A um só tempo ensinar alemão.
اللغة الأصلية :  German
ممارسة اللغة :  Spanish, English
hey. i‘m Markus and i would be excited to meet people to talk English and German. I like reading, cooking, meeting my friends, tennis, singing and i’m curious about people and their stories. So hit me up, maybe we will meet for a coffee or a drink 🙂
اللغة الأصلية :  Spanish
I love learning languages and learning things from people and their lives, I was lucky enough to travel a lot and I always like to learn and make new friends ...
اللغة الأصلية :  Japanese
ممارسة اللغة :  German
Ich heiße Naoki Kanagwa, bin 22 Jahre alt und Japaner. Ich lerne Deutsch in Köln. Und ich suche einen Tandempartner oder eine Tandempartnerin. Ich möchte gerne miteinander sprechen. Bitte lass uns Freunde werden!
اللغة الأصلية :  German
ممارسة اللغة :  Spanish
Hello, My name is Marion and I live in Cologne, in Germany. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish. I'd be happy to help you to learn German in exchange.
اللغة الأصلية :  German, Russian
ممارسة اللغة :  English
Hello, My name is Vitali and I live in Cologne, in Germany. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn German and Russian in exchange.
اللغة الأصلية :  English, Igbo
ممارسة اللغة :  German
hallo, ich bin emily und ich bin siebzehn jare alt. ich würde wirklich gerne deutsch für schulzwecke lernen und ich spreche sehr fließend englisch, also kann ich es dir beibringen, wenn du willst
اللغة الأصلية :  German
ممارسة اللغة :  English
Hey, My name is Bastian. I am 20 years old and from Cologne in Germany. I am fascinated by other countries and languages, especially English. Even at a young age, my grandmother had pen pals from whom she was able to learn a lot and also made friends. I would be happy to exchange ideas with people here and learn from each other. And maybe even a friendship will develop :) Hey, mein Name ist Bastian ich bin 20 Jahre alt und aus Köln in Deutschland. Ich bin fasziniert von anderen Länder und Sprachen vor allem die Englische. Meine Oma hatte früher in jungen Jahren Brieffreundschaften von denen sie viel Lernen konnte und auch Freundschaften schloss. Ich würde mich freuen hier mit Leuten austauschen und von einander lernen zu können. Und vielleicht entsteht sogar eine Freundschaft :)
اللغة الأصلية :  Russian
ممارسة اللغة :  German
Я изучаю немецкий, уровень А2, хотела бы быть и вам полезна в изучении русского!
اللغة الأصلية :  Spanish
ممارسة اللغة :  German
Busco un intercambio alemán-español. Soy de San Sebastian, en el norte de España. Actualmente estoy trabajando en Colonia. Mi nivel de alemán es casi de principiante. Looking for and exchange german-spanish. Spanish is my mother tongue, i´m from the north of Spain. I´m working in Cologne at the momente. I speak good english. My level is german is very basic. Hope to meet you soon!
اللغة الأصلية :  German, Persian
ممارسة اللغة :  German, English
Hi, I am a native Persian speaker and have a good English skills. I would like to improve my English skills by a native speaker. I speak German fluently but am always looking for more opportunities to practice to keep my skills sharp. I studied Electrotechnology Engineering and Laser technology at the University of Cologne. I interest in music, art, painting, anthropology, traveling, healthy diet and would like to know about other cultures in the world.
اللغة الأصلية :  German, English, Turkish
ممارسة اللغة :  Spanish
Hi, Ich bin Ruken und suche jemanden der ein gutes spanisch spricht und bereit ist mir das bei zu bringen. Ich hätte auch kein Problem dir dann ebenfalls eine Sprache bei zu bringen. Melde dich einfach!
اللغة الأصلية :  Turkish
ممارسة اللغة :  German
Merhaba yaklasik 12 yildir almanyada yasiyorum ve almancam b1 seviyesinde almancami gelistirmek ve pratik yapabilecegim arkadaslar ariyorum